It’s a common story around Bee Digital HQ.
Every time we welcome a prospective client to a discovery call, to find out if we’re a good fit for their needs, we ask: “Have you worked with an agency before?”
And, for those that have, the replies are always some version of the following:
- “We tried a non-educational marketing agency and they just didn’t understand the nuances of selling to schools.”
- “We worked with a non-educational marketing agency agency who kept changing staff and I had to constantly explain the schools market to them over and over again.”
- “We worked with a non-educational marketing agency agency who treated us like a 3rd class account because we were an educational brand and not a flashy consumer brand.”
When they start to work with us, a specialist marketing to school agency, you can almost hear the relief in their voice over time.
We know all the acronyms. We know the language that gets action from a teacher. We know how to get emails opened by teachers.
We’ve marketed products into all the different roles in schools. We know where they hang out. We know what hashtags teachers follow. We have interviewed, surveyed, and analysed every type of teacher. We have internal research that outlines the needs and wants of almost every permutation of educator.
We understand the pain points your audience experiences.
We understand the routes to purchase, from budgets to evaluations to key decision makers.
We know it’s a hugely rewarding market to work in, but we’re not naive about the pressures and challenges.