I am about to let you in on one of my favourite marketing to schools tactics - the nine word email.
It is a system that takes moments to create and turns cold leads into active conversations every
This is the story of the nine word email.
I was in Austin, Texas at the office of our partner, DigitalMarketer, when I first learned about the nine word email. So, I gave it a try. I crafted the message, hit send, and went for lunch.
1-hour later, I had half a dozen responses from previously cold leads in my inbox. Holy crap, this was powerful. Get ready to learn the secrets of the nine word email.
A powerful way to reengage old leads
The nine word email is a system devised by US real estate entrepreneur, Dean Jackson, to reengage old leads. It goes a little something like this:
Subject: Simon
Body: Are you still looking to buy a house in Arkansas?
Keep It Simple, Stupid
That’s it. The ultimate example of a KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid) in marketing.
The email, as simple as it seems, is almost guaranteed to get responses. Let me explain why…
The subject line contains nothing more than the recipient’s first name. This is a bold move and generates the open, through nothing more than personalised curiosity.
Now look at the content…
There are no niceties. No “Hi, hope you are well?”. No “It’s been a while since we spoke”.
The email launches straight into action by asking a question… and what a question!
Re-open the conversation in nine words

This positioning shows an understanding of the pain-point that once existed in the recipient’s world.
There is clearly something the sender knows, some insight they have that they are willing to share, if only I respond.
This email is genius because it recognises the fundamental point that an email is not sent to just get a click, but to start or continue a conversation.
So how can you use this today?
Step 1: Segment your list. Find a group of cold leads that came to you for a unifying reason.
Step 2: Craft your own nine word email. IMPORTANT! Resist the urge to play around with the method; don’t add niceties, do it exactly as above.
Step 3: Hit send.
Examples you can use:
- “Are you still looking to change your MIS this year?”
- “Are you still looking for ways to engage children in reading?”
- “Do you still need help planning your teacher CPD?”
- “Did you get to the bottom of the assessment issues?”
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