10 effective trust signals for marketing to schools
When marketing to schools, trust is your currency. Spend it wisely by investing in strong trust signals across all your channels.
When marketing to schools, trust is your currency. Spend it wisely by investing in strong trust signals across all your channels.
Our guide is packed with creative tips and useful strategies to turn those hard won BETT teacher contacts into enthusiastic customers. Learn how to jazz up your follow-ups, charm your way into educators’ hearts, and turn BETT leads into your biggest fans. Perfect for exhibitors ready to turn contacts into contracts.
Learn how using an Internal Upsell Toolkit can make selling products to teachers and schools easier. Discover straightforward ways marketers can align their products with school goals, address concerns, and engage teachers in the sales process.
Dive into the art of keeping your lead magnet a tantalising secret. Learn how to create compelling copy that addresses teachers’ pain points, provides solutions, and teases the value they’ll receive without giving it all away.
Looking to find a new superstar marketer for your edtech company? Here’s a selection of interview questions and tasks that we’ve developed over the years.
Retail companies are masters of the cross-sell, persuading customers to spend more with them than they initially planned. What can they teach us about selling to schools?
Lead magnets are essential for marketing success. Consider the buying cycle, create curiosity, provide practical wins, and ensure the lead magnet is of high quality.
Is it time to bring joy and enchantment to your teacher audience?
Stop using boring stock photo cliches on your website and marketing materials with these ways to break out of stock photo hell.
If you’re wondering why you’re not getting the sign up numbers you hoped for it might be because you haven’t primed your audience.